Well, things have changed…

*Listening To: Sea of Love – Cat Power*

I just read my last blog post, which was nearly a year ago. I signed off saying my next entry won’t be so spaced out. HAHA. Well, I sure didn’t keep my word. And wow, things have completely changed. But I have a good explanation! So listen…

During this time last year I was so busy with a new job, starting school, and fun Spring festivities. Two of the main events took place on a rainy May weekend. Dallas was about to move to Arlington and my cousin Aarrhon was getting married. Naturally, my Aaron came to visit to celebrate all that was going on. It was one of the best weekends of my life. And what do you know, a month later we found out that we were expecting! I was an anxious mess. Aaron, of course, was back in Austin and I was alone and scared in Lubbock. June felt like the longest month. My head was spinning with so many thoughts and emotions. All I could think of was “should I finish school while I’m pregnant?” My decision was finally made in July when I had my first ultrasound. Unfortunately, Aaron couldn’t make another road trip to be there, but thankfully Dallas and Amanda accompanied me. We all went in expecting to see a little bean on the monitor, admire my first sonogram picture, and then go on with our day. NOPE. The doctors found two little beans in my belly during that appointment… The nurses then happily revealed that I was carrying twins.

A crazy amount of tears were shed, hugs were given, and SO many phone calls were made. I knew right then that I had to go home to Aaron. I attended school for one more month before putting everything on pause and we finally figured out a living situation for Amanda. That was definitely the hardest, I did not want to leave my best friend by herself in Lubbock. We promised to move together and leave together, but she was amazing and so supportive. I owe that girl so much. Aaron helped me move back to Austin with him late August and oh my gosh, I felt so sick during those weeks. You’d figure I would have kept up with this blog since I had so much free time then. But no, my first trimester consisted of morning/afternoon/night sickness and tons of naps. And to be completely honest, I felt so out of my element fashion wise. Nothing I loved fit me (obviously) and I wore the same maternity clothes over and over. I didn’t feel great which resulted in my lack of motivation to blog. I look back now though and regret it. I know that if I would’ve expressed myself with a post or two, I would’ve felt like my old self.

My pregnancy was overall a great experience and I have to thank my support system for that too. My family, my friends, and even acquaintances. I truly have amazing people in my life. My Aunt Victoria and Shelbo threw us a perfect jungle themed baby shower. And to make the day even more memorable, Aaron ended up proposing to me in front of everyone there. I had been waiting for that moment since 2011 when I fell in love with that crazy man. He later set up and decorated the nursery because I was so exhausted. And finally, I delivered the twins by C-section on January 22nd, 2016. Kasun James was born first at 7:53am and Amelia Nova followed at 7:54am. We received our wish of having a son and a daughter and now our hearts are full.❤️

Parenthood is definitely a challenge, but it’s the most fun we’ve ever had. These babies are beyond perfect and every moment I’m with them makes me happy to be alive. So, with this huge change in my life, this blog will still be fashion based but now I’m also going to include the babies’ outfits, tips for new moms like me, wedding planning, and so much more. I’m enjoying one experience at a time and now I’m choosing to share them with the world. Writing this felt so good, it was long overdue. 90% of my time belongs to my children so who knows when my next post will be. It’ll be worth the wait though, and all that matters is that I’m writing again. I’m so overjoyed. Thanks for reading and catching up with my life. I hope everyone knows how much I love them

Until next entry,

Momma Aubs❤️