State Fair of Texas!

I’m 25 years old and I have lived in Texas for 23 years of my life. In those 23 years, I have never made a trip to Dallas for the State Fair. I know, who even am I? This historic event has been running annually every year in Texas since 1886. My wonderful friend + co-worker, Monique, finally convinced me to go with her and her mom this past Monday. I was totally free so I had no excuse not to be there this year. I bought the twins new strollers for the occasion, Monique and I got matching shirts, we packed our bags, and headed to Dallas!

Parking was pretty easy to find and only cost $10. We entered and naturally, the fair grounds were PACKED. There were people elbow to elbow, but everyone was courteous of each other’s presence. We started off with a beer and made the hunt for fried oreos, frito pie, and cotton candy. The twins tried all of these delicious treats for the first time (obviously, not the beer lol) and they were on cloud 9. Their favorite was the cotton candy and they devoured a whole bag by themselves. And instead of a sugar rush, they had a sugar crash and passed out in their strollers. It was the cutest thing to watch!

We also found Big Tex and took tons of selfies with him. He is just as big and Texan as the ads show him to be. After our photoshoot, we started walking again and a live band started performing 70’s disco music. Everyone started dancing –  there were good vibes all around. We grew tired so we finished off our trip with a margarita for us and two free giant cookies for the kiddos. (thanks to the sweet concession lady who loved the twins enough to give them to us!) We did get hit by a 5-minute rainstorm while we were leaving, but we were laughing the whole way to the truck.

I’d like to say how proud I am of Kasun + Amelia for behaving so well while we were there. I’d also like to thank the fair for having a kid’s changing cabin with full air conditioning! It was so helpful when it came to change the twins’ outfits and get them cleaned up from their candy spree. And lastly, I want to vouch for those strollers I mentioned earlier – the brand is Kolcraft Cloud Umbrella Strollers and I purchased them from Walmart for only $26.99! So any moms reading this, if you need a quick inexpensive way to roll your child through a fair, I highly recommend!

I definitely want to go again next year! My ONLY regret is that I wore pants! IT WAS SO HUMID! Next year I’ll dress better.

Until next outfit,

– Aubs

Outfit details:

• Shirt – Target $14.99

• Jeans – Target; Levi’s Denizen Brand $29.99

• Belt – Target $4.99

• Shoes – Vans $60

More cute shots from Monday:

West Pecan Coffee + Beer

As some of you might know, I live right on the outskirts of Pflugerville (technically North Austin). I have fallen in love with this little city the past couple of years. Funny enough, I actually used to visit Pflugerville back when I was a kid to visit my great Tía and Tío. Fast forward to now, here I am considering it a second home. Aaron’s mom’s first house is here, I was a manager at the Pflugerville Charming Charlie for over a year, and the downtown area is one of my favorite places to be.

Pecan Street is the main road in the downtown area. My go-to places there are HEB (for literally everything), El Rincon Mexican restaurant, Just 4 Kids toy store, and as of today = West Pecan Coffee + Beer.

My friend, Talyn, is also from Pflugerville and we made a coffee date for this morning. We’ve both noticed West Pecan months ago, but since it’s fairly new, neither of us had the chance to pop in yet. I did follow them on Instagram to get a feel for it first, and in natural Aubree fashion, I quickly fell in love with their posts. The place is so modern and welcoming. The first thing that caught my eye was their beautiful flower mural on their back wall. Second, was their giant wall of books/games/knick-knacks. Their menu had tons of options for coffee, beer, and even food. I played it safe and ordered an Iced Chai Latte with a shot of espresso. It was delicious! Talyn ordered the Double Espresso and was just as happy as I was.

We ended up spending 2 hours there sipping drinks and spilling tea (yeah, you know what I mean😂). Talyn and I used to work together at Charming Charlie and it’s always a blast when we get to catch up. The shop was so cozy, so it was easy to lose track of the time. We sat by the window and watched all the cute dogs walk by. We will definitely be back! I especially want to bring the twins since there was a cute kid corner with a play kitchen and toys.

If you find yourself in Pflugerville, buy a coffee or beer and support your local business!

Love you, West Pecan Coffee + Beer!

Until next outfit,

– Aubs ❤️

Outfit details:

  • Knit Cardigan – Charming Charlie $25
  • Ninja Turtle Tee – Target (Thank you, Sara!)
  • Jeans – Ross $15
  • Shoes- Vans $60

More cute shots from today: