Stuck in them 20-Somethings

Hello, it’s me again.

It’s obviously been a while since my last blog entry. I’m going to be 100% honest too. The time in between that last post and the one I’m writing now has been difficult. I’m not always an open book on my blog or on social media. Only my close friends and family know how hard this year has been on me, but this is my safe-space and I feel like getting some things off of my chest.

The best part of 2019 was finally becoming an Avila and seeing our loved ones gather for our wedding back in April. It was truly magical and I loved every minute of that day. I planned on writing a detailed blog post of how the ceremony and reception went, but every time I tried to start it off I felt like Spongebob attempting to write an essay. I couldn’t glamorize my words and I felt uneasy. It was like my brain was put on pause.

Deep breath – It’s because of my family. My parents separated about 2 years ago. It was messy… My dad took off to a different town and took my little brother with him. I haven’t seen or really spoken to them since then and it hurts my heart every day. My dad was/is very toxic and I know I shouldn’t reach out to him to keep myself healthy. But I miss my brother and as the oldest child I feel like a terrible sister. My mom is moving on and starting a new life. We’re still close but at times, it’s a weird new thing to accept. (My mom is also the only one who was a part of my wedding day.) I’m also not close to my other brother (the middle child) for personal reasons. We’re working on our relationship, but that is also tough. I often feel very alone, guilty, and confused. The only home I knew for the first 20 years of my life is completely shattered and broken.

Everyone I’ve opened up to advises me to focus on my OWN family – Aaron and the twins. And I have taken that advice and most days are great. But when I put the twins to bed and Aaron’s at work, my mind races. I have trouble sleeping and all I can think about are flashbacks of my not-so-great childhood. Sometimes it’s hard to get ready in the morning and go to work with a fake smile. And the twins see me cry more than I want them to.

I place this constant pressure on myself to be the best mom, a great wife, a dependable daughter, a successful woman, a reliable friend, and a healthy human being. But I don’t feel 100% and I’m scared to let it show. Sometimes I’ll avoid certain friends because I don’t want them to know I’m struggling staying happy or because I don’t feel accomplished enough. If you’re reading this, I’m sorry.

I made this blog about 7 years ago with the intention to keep it strictly fashion & style. But there’s so much more behind my Target dresses and MAC lipstick. I will open that “New Post” tab and I force myself to only write the positive highlights when in reality I’m losing myself in my feelings and I forget who I am. (I hope that doesn’t sound ridiculous.)

All of that being said, I was tired of feeling down. So a few weeks ago, I reached out to one of my oldest Plainview friends, Emily. We’ve been friends since 7th grade and she recently moved to Austin. I love that we’re still connected after all of these years. She’s a talented photographer and I asked if she would help me with a photoshoot. A photoshoot to remind me who I am. A photoshoot to capture those feelings and turn them into strong images.

I can’t express enough how much Emily helped me. She listened to my story, understood, and helped me embrace myself. I laughed the entire time we were together and every smile was genuine. She showed me the photos on her camera after the shoot, and I told her I could cry. (Happy tears this time.) I finally saw Aubree again. I felt like her again too.

I just turned 27 this past Friday, December 13th. It’s nice to know that I can look at these photos and remember that I brought in a new year with confidence and self-awareness.

Thank you, Emily. I love you and your work. 🖤 I look forward to all of the content you’re going to create.

And thank you to anyone reading this. It was scary to write but here are my feelings on text.

Thank you to SZA. I wrote this listening to the CTRL album on repeat (hence the title of this post).

And lastly, thank you to my friends and my Avila family. My Husband has held me, helped me through all of sad days, and shared some of the most uplifting conversations with me.

Here’s to 27 trips around the sun and being honest with myself and my feelings. It was refreshing to not filter my thoughts and I can honestly say this was the quickest I’ve ever finished a post. I know I’m growing stronger and wiser with each year. And I’m going to keep pushing for myself and my OWN family.

– Aubs 🖤

Engagement Shoot with Ash Renee Photography

Heyyy everyone!

I know it’s been a few weeks since my last blog post and I have a good explanation: We are officially in crunch time with our wedding planning! April 14th is right around the corner and we’ve been piecing together the little details. I’ve been Pinterest-ing like crazy and I’m excited to see our vision come to life.

One of those things that we crossed off of our to-do list was taking engagement pictures for our wedding invitations. We asked our talented friend, Ash, to help us out. She set a date in January and as always, she captured some of the best shots.

We met up at the Riverside Boardwalk here in Austin. Aaron and I have lived here for years and had never been there before. It was the prettiest place for an outdoor photoshoot. Not going to lie though, we totally got lost trying to get there lol. The sun was starting to set and the wind was our friend that day. Ash did her thang and made us laugh the entire time. She. Is. AMAZING. She edited them within a week and I nearly cried when I saw the finished products. Aaron and I look so in love!

*cue the tears!*

*Ash’s Instagram: @AshReneePhotography

*Ash’s website:

Outfit Details:

  • off-the-shoulder shirt: Amazon $12
  • yellow midi skirt: Target $27
  • shoes: Forever 21 $22
  • lipstick: Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip in Tulle $6.50

The yellow skirt makes an appearance again! It’s my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE right now. I had to show it off in the pictures I know I’ll cherish forever. Also, I didn’t have time to get a manicure so I painted my little nubby fingers an hour before the shoot! Lol I think they turned out pretty cute.

2 weeks after the photoshoot, Shelby helped me make the wedding invites of my dreams. They’re currently sitting on my desk waiting to be mailed out! I’m so grateful to have such talented and helpful friends in my life! This wedding wouldn’t be complete without them.

As of now, I’m brainstorming future blog posts and content for my Instagram. One of my New Years Resolutions was to write more, so I promise I’m putting my heart into this site. Thanks for reading and I can’t wait to keep everyone updated on the wedding!

Until next outfit,

– Aubs 💛

Birthday Blog: 12/13/18

Welp, as of this past Thursday I’m officially 26 years old. TWENTY-SIX. Can you believe I started this blog when I was 20? Time doesn’t feel real sometimes…

I brought in this year with my bestie (and Maid Of Honor!), Amanda. I hadn’t planned to do anything, but the final hours of the 12th started kicking my urge to get some drinks. Amanda was up for it, so we spontaneously drove to 6th Street after I got off work that night. On our downtown adventure we found a sake bar with K-Pop wallpaper, another bar that let me spin a giant wheel for a birthday prize (I won a bottle of champagne!), and then ended it with dancing to throwbacks and listening to a live cover of Purple Rain. Perfection.

Going into the morning of my birthday, Aaron let me sleep in. That’s honestly ALL I wanted. The twins and I were lazy for a little while and we had a late start to our day – which I needed to feel recharged again. It was all so relaxing! Kasun + Amelia kept singing the “happy birthday” song and my phone was flooding with birthday wishes. ❤️ Aaron also surprised me with the sweetest card, flowers, and a vintage Polaroid camera. My heart melted and naturally, I CRIED. He didn’t have to get me anything, but he always has something up his sleeve. I love him so much.

My wonderful mom-in-law babysat the twins so Aaron and I could have the night to ourselves. We bought tickets to The FOMO Factory because I had been dying to go since September. The place is best described as a pop-up selfie tour with 8 photo-boothy themed rooms. Perfect timing for the Polaroid camera to come into my life! From entrance to exit, we had a blast. We actually had the place to ourselves the whole time. I loved every minute there and I hope I get to go back before they leave at the end of the month!

Outfit details:

  • striped shirt: Target $10
  • yellow midi skirt: Target $27
  • shoes: Payless $20
  • lipstick: Urban Decay in Matte Temper $18

We ended my night at our favorite place, Alamo Drafthouse. My phone was filled with beautiful pictures and my tummy was filled with cheese fries. I couldn’t have asked for a better day! So much is going to happen this upcoming year, so I’m already declaring it as the best year of my life so far. Thank you to all those who reached out to wish me well. I truly love you all and can’t wait to experience another year around the sun!

Until next outfit,

– Aubs 🖤

It’s feeling like December!

Be proud of me, guys… I finally put up my Christmas tree and decorations! I typically like to have everything up right after Thanksgiving, but I’m going to be honest with y’all: I’ve been sooo lazy. With working full-time at the salon and coming home to be full-time mama to the twins, I get so tired.

But not this week! I couldn’t waste another day and I’ve been productive with everything I need to do. (Okay, maybe not everything. There may or may not be two laundry baskets full of unfolded clothes that I’ve been ignoring.😂) For those that don’t know, December is also my birthday month. I’ll be 26 on the 13th! So that being said, I’m trying to get into celebration mode ASAP. Christmas decorations + string lights make me happy, so up they went.

*ornaments/decorations from Target and At Home.*

This tree was passed onto me from my Mama! She bought it in 2011, which is the year I graduated from high school, so it means a lot to me. I try to go all out with the ornaments like she usually does.

The ornaments are 100% Avila Family material. Star Wars for Aaron and The Twins, pizza and giraffes for me, and gold + green accents because those are some of our favorite colors.

We also keep a letter-board on a wall by our kitchen all year long. I change the quote and theme with birthdays and holidays throughout the year. Since it’s MY month, I decided to put up a lyric from one of my favorite songs by my favorite band: *I Miss You – Blink 182* The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of the greatest Christmas movies! And now Kasun & Amelia are in love with it too, so everyone’s pleased. It’s hands down the best quote I’ve put on the board so far.

Outfit details:

• chunky sweater: American Eagle $30

• black tee: Target $5

• distressed jeans: Forever 21; bought them at Plato’s Closet for $11!

• choker + earrings: Charming Charlie

• mug: Disney store (gift from a friend!)

• lipstick: MAC Selena collection: Como La Flor

I’m gradually adding more decorations to our home as I come across more cute things. But I love the way everything looks so far. Everything around us feels cozy and looks pretty. December is always one of my happiest months so I can’t wait for the next post.

Until next outfit,

– Aubs 🖤

It’s winter, y’all!

Hey everyone!

If you’re in Texas right now, I’m sure you’re wearing your thickest sweater and wondering how the hell the cold got here so quickly. Today’s weather was breezy and in the 50’s. Last year around this time, we were begging for the temperature to drop under 70. This year everything is going according to the seasonal schedule, which is weird for this state. No complaints though! I loved being able to bust out my winter wardrobe.

Since it’s officially starting to feel like the holidays, I felt the need to update my hair. As much as I loved my blonde balayage, I did grow tired of it. Thankfully my girls at work took care of me! My friend, Cindy, made the perfect formula for my color and I am so in love with the ashy-brown results. (I’ll also link Cindy’s Instagram if you want the same magic touch. She’s such a talented stylist!)

• Instagram: @cindyyboodoeshair •

My new hair makes me feel on top of the world so today I had to wear an outfit that kept that same energy. I recently went to Old Navy to spend a gift card I had been hanging onto. They had long-sleeve basic dresses on sale for $15! I grabbed a black one and paired it with this olive vest (that I’ve also been dying to wear) and my DSW boots. I received so many compliments, which always makes my day!

Outfit details:

• dress: Old Navy $15

• olive vest: Ross Dress For Less

• studded purse: Charming Charlie $25

• boots: DSW $60

• boot socks: Target $5

I’m also in love with the Christmas decorations they put up at The Domain! Stay tuned for more photo shoots from there.

Until next outfit,

– Aubs 🖤

State Fair of Texas!

I’m 25 years old and I have lived in Texas for 23 years of my life. In those 23 years, I have never made a trip to Dallas for the State Fair. I know, who even am I? This historic event has been running annually every year in Texas since 1886. My wonderful friend + co-worker, Monique, finally convinced me to go with her and her mom this past Monday. I was totally free so I had no excuse not to be there this year. I bought the twins new strollers for the occasion, Monique and I got matching shirts, we packed our bags, and headed to Dallas!

Parking was pretty easy to find and only cost $10. We entered and naturally, the fair grounds were PACKED. There were people elbow to elbow, but everyone was courteous of each other’s presence. We started off with a beer and made the hunt for fried oreos, frito pie, and cotton candy. The twins tried all of these delicious treats for the first time (obviously, not the beer lol) and they were on cloud 9. Their favorite was the cotton candy and they devoured a whole bag by themselves. And instead of a sugar rush, they had a sugar crash and passed out in their strollers. It was the cutest thing to watch!

We also found Big Tex and took tons of selfies with him. He is just as big and Texan as the ads show him to be. After our photoshoot, we started walking again and a live band started performing 70’s disco music. Everyone started dancing –  there were good vibes all around. We grew tired so we finished off our trip with a margarita for us and two free giant cookies for the kiddos. (thanks to the sweet concession lady who loved the twins enough to give them to us!) We did get hit by a 5-minute rainstorm while we were leaving, but we were laughing the whole way to the truck.

I’d like to say how proud I am of Kasun + Amelia for behaving so well while we were there. I’d also like to thank the fair for having a kid’s changing cabin with full air conditioning! It was so helpful when it came to change the twins’ outfits and get them cleaned up from their candy spree. And lastly, I want to vouch for those strollers I mentioned earlier – the brand is Kolcraft Cloud Umbrella Strollers and I purchased them from Walmart for only $26.99! So any moms reading this, if you need a quick inexpensive way to roll your child through a fair, I highly recommend!

I definitely want to go again next year! My ONLY regret is that I wore pants! IT WAS SO HUMID! Next year I’ll dress better.

Until next outfit,

– Aubs

Outfit details:

• Shirt – Target $14.99

• Jeans – Target; Levi’s Denizen Brand $29.99

• Belt – Target $4.99

• Shoes – Vans $60

More cute shots from Monday:

West Pecan Coffee + Beer

As some of you might know, I live right on the outskirts of Pflugerville (technically North Austin). I have fallen in love with this little city the past couple of years. Funny enough, I actually used to visit Pflugerville back when I was a kid to visit my great Tía and Tío. Fast forward to now, here I am considering it a second home. Aaron’s mom’s first house is here, I was a manager at the Pflugerville Charming Charlie for over a year, and the downtown area is one of my favorite places to be.

Pecan Street is the main road in the downtown area. My go-to places there are HEB (for literally everything), El Rincon Mexican restaurant, Just 4 Kids toy store, and as of today = West Pecan Coffee + Beer.

My friend, Talyn, is also from Pflugerville and we made a coffee date for this morning. We’ve both noticed West Pecan months ago, but since it’s fairly new, neither of us had the chance to pop in yet. I did follow them on Instagram to get a feel for it first, and in natural Aubree fashion, I quickly fell in love with their posts. The place is so modern and welcoming. The first thing that caught my eye was their beautiful flower mural on their back wall. Second, was their giant wall of books/games/knick-knacks. Their menu had tons of options for coffee, beer, and even food. I played it safe and ordered an Iced Chai Latte with a shot of espresso. It was delicious! Talyn ordered the Double Espresso and was just as happy as I was.

We ended up spending 2 hours there sipping drinks and spilling tea (yeah, you know what I mean😂). Talyn and I used to work together at Charming Charlie and it’s always a blast when we get to catch up. The shop was so cozy, so it was easy to lose track of the time. We sat by the window and watched all the cute dogs walk by. We will definitely be back! I especially want to bring the twins since there was a cute kid corner with a play kitchen and toys.

If you find yourself in Pflugerville, buy a coffee or beer and support your local business!

Love you, West Pecan Coffee + Beer!

Until next outfit,

– Aubs ❤️

Outfit details:

  • Knit Cardigan – Charming Charlie $25
  • Ninja Turtle Tee – Target (Thank you, Sara!)
  • Jeans – Ross $15
  • Shoes- Vans $60

More cute shots from today:

Blue Elephant Boutique Collab

Hello Hello!

First of all, I just want to say that it felt SO good to hit that “write post” button. Even though I’ve been very active on my @fashionistaubs instagram account, I’m still aware that my last blog entry was back in 2016. Yes, that is a looong time but I’ll catch y’all up soon enough! I have made a goal for myself too…With me posting on Instagram more frequently, I’d like to start doing weekly blog posts to go along with it. Fingers crossed that I stay on track. 😉

I also want to mention that my @fashionistaubs account is doing pretty well! I have found a ton of other bloggers here in Austin and in Texas in general. Everyday I scroll through my timeline and end up feeling so inspired! It feels even better when my pictures make their way around and gain the right attention too.

That being said, this is what brings us here to this post!

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a local Austin boutique named Blue Elephant Boutique. They’re located on North Lamar in the cutest little shopping center. Their manager reached out to me asking if I’d be interested in coming in to pick out and model outfits, get my makeup done, and have their in-store photographer provide a mini photo shoot. My heart bounced in my chest while reading that invitation. With no hesitation, I answered yes and we scheduled to meet on the last Sunday in August.

The day came and not going to lie, I was nervous! When I get excited, I also get anxious, but a good anxious if that makes sense. I walked in and instantly fell in love. The boutique has such an Austin vibe, it made me feel right at home. I was welcomed in by their sweet staff and my nerves finally disappeared. They said I could look around the store, put together outfits that were true to my style, and once that was done I’d have my makeup done by their makeup artist, Chloe. I honestly wanted to try on every article of clothing that was out on that floor lol. They had everything from flared high-waisted jeans to vintage patterned dresses. And I can’t forget to mention their gift section was endless too. This store will definitely be my go-to for birthday and holiday presents. It was truly heaven. After trying on so many cute outfits, I ended up choosing a blush pink wrap maxi-dress, flared denim overalls (swoon), and the cutest yellow romper.

They set my clothes aside and I sat in Chloe’s chair. She was the nicest person ever! She made me feel so comfortable the entire time. Every product she applied, she would explain why she chose it and what she loved about it. She was so knowledgeable and open about her goals as an artist. The look she gave me was a natural glow with warm eyeshadow. Of course, I loved it! Once my look was complete, their photographer, Kristina, said she was ready for me. Kristina was also the nicest person ever. She was so patient in between outfit changes and also made the whole experience fun and easy going. We walked around the shopping center and took the cutest photos! She was a natural with that camera. If you ever need a photographer, I highly recommend her! *I’ll provide both Chloe and Kristina’s Instagram info at the bottom of this post.*

Once the photo shoot was done, the girls and I exchanged emails. I hugged the store manager and thanked her for the opportunity. And she thanked me back with a goodie bag full of samples, hair products, and a clothing voucher. My heart was full. It was such an amazing day and all I could think of was this blog. This blog is what got me here today! I can’t wait for the next collab. Until then, I’ll keep the writing and instagram posts up! And once again, thank you Blue Elephant Boutique + Staff for supporting local Austin bloggers!

If you’re ever in the city, please stop by this beautiful store and thank me later.

Until next outfit,

– Aubs ❤️

Makeup: @chloefeyhbeauty

Photographer: @kristinajinphotography

Well, things have changed…

*Listening To: Sea of Love – Cat Power*

I just read my last blog post, which was nearly a year ago. I signed off saying my next entry won’t be so spaced out. HAHA. Well, I sure didn’t keep my word. And wow, things have completely changed. But I have a good explanation! So listen…

During this time last year I was so busy with a new job, starting school, and fun Spring festivities. Two of the main events took place on a rainy May weekend. Dallas was about to move to Arlington and my cousin Aarrhon was getting married. Naturally, my Aaron came to visit to celebrate all that was going on. It was one of the best weekends of my life. And what do you know, a month later we found out that we were expecting! I was an anxious mess. Aaron, of course, was back in Austin and I was alone and scared in Lubbock. June felt like the longest month. My head was spinning with so many thoughts and emotions. All I could think of was “should I finish school while I’m pregnant?” My decision was finally made in July when I had my first ultrasound. Unfortunately, Aaron couldn’t make another road trip to be there, but thankfully Dallas and Amanda accompanied me. We all went in expecting to see a little bean on the monitor, admire my first sonogram picture, and then go on with our day. NOPE. The doctors found two little beans in my belly during that appointment… The nurses then happily revealed that I was carrying twins.

A crazy amount of tears were shed, hugs were given, and SO many phone calls were made. I knew right then that I had to go home to Aaron. I attended school for one more month before putting everything on pause and we finally figured out a living situation for Amanda. That was definitely the hardest, I did not want to leave my best friend by herself in Lubbock. We promised to move together and leave together, but she was amazing and so supportive. I owe that girl so much. Aaron helped me move back to Austin with him late August and oh my gosh, I felt so sick during those weeks. You’d figure I would have kept up with this blog since I had so much free time then. But no, my first trimester consisted of morning/afternoon/night sickness and tons of naps. And to be completely honest, I felt so out of my element fashion wise. Nothing I loved fit me (obviously) and I wore the same maternity clothes over and over. I didn’t feel great which resulted in my lack of motivation to blog. I look back now though and regret it. I know that if I would’ve expressed myself with a post or two, I would’ve felt like my old self.

My pregnancy was overall a great experience and I have to thank my support system for that too. My family, my friends, and even acquaintances. I truly have amazing people in my life. My Aunt Victoria and Shelbo threw us a perfect jungle themed baby shower. And to make the day even more memorable, Aaron ended up proposing to me in front of everyone there. I had been waiting for that moment since 2011 when I fell in love with that crazy man. He later set up and decorated the nursery because I was so exhausted. And finally, I delivered the twins by C-section on January 22nd, 2016. Kasun James was born first at 7:53am and Amelia Nova followed at 7:54am. We received our wish of having a son and a daughter and now our hearts are full.❤️

Parenthood is definitely a challenge, but it’s the most fun we’ve ever had. These babies are beyond perfect and every moment I’m with them makes me happy to be alive. So, with this huge change in my life, this blog will still be fashion based but now I’m also going to include the babies’ outfits, tips for new moms like me, wedding planning, and so much more. I’m enjoying one experience at a time and now I’m choosing to share them with the world. Writing this felt so good, it was long overdue. 90% of my time belongs to my children so who knows when my next post will be. It’ll be worth the wait though, and all that matters is that I’m writing again. I’m so overjoyed. Thanks for reading and catching up with my life. I hope everyone knows how much I love them

Until next entry,

Momma Aubs❤️        



The Lost Files: Sunday Funday Pt. II

*Listening to: New Theory – Washed Out 

Hello my beautiful friends and supporters! I’m way overdue for a blog post and I promised a few people, as well as myself, that I would grace this page with a fresh new post. Before I begin rambling on about clothes (and how cute I think Amanda and I look), here’s an Aubree update:

My Cosmetology classes began about a month ago. Everything is very fast paced at TCC, but I’m doing so well. I’ve already gone over manicures/pedicures and hair-styling, and this week I’ll learn the first steps to cutting hair! There’s so much schoolwork and so many tests too, but I have all A’s so far. Only about 9 more months until I’m a licensed Cosmetologist!

Work is still a learning process as well. Being a part time manager is almost the same as being a trainer (Shout out to Pluckers San Marcos!). I still critique myself too much, but the awesome girls I work with always help me out and build up my confidence. It’s so awesome to be in my ideal work environment. Maurice’s has the best clothes and is so fashion driven, it makes me ridiculously happy.😊

And lastly, I have now been in an incredible relationship with Aaron James Avila for 4 whole years! We celebrated here in Lubbock on the beautiful day of April 14th. It was an amazing week with him here, but of course, it went by so quickly. He’s back in Austin doing great things and I continue to count down the days until we reunite again.

Enough about me. I’ll proceed to share photos + details about these outfits that Amanda and I wore a few Sundays ago. We don’t usually have Sundays off together, so when we do we celebrate with photoshoots & margaritas! We had some happy hour drinks at Torchy’s Tacos and left to the only graffiti spot we know in the city. *If you know any other place in LBK that has great art on the walls, please let me know.* I wish I knew the artist’s name that painted the mural on the side of this thrift shop so I could give them the credit they deserve. It truly is a beautiful sight to look at.


Amanda always gives Lubbock the Austin vibe with her presence. Her outfits always scream “hipster”, but don’t call her a hipster. She’s just Amanda Dimmitt.💚

  • Hat: $25, World Market. 
  • Sunglasses: $9.99, Earthbound. 
  • Texas Necklace: $10, Sam Moon. 
  • Earrings: 12.99, Earthbound
  • Grey Cardigan: $12.99, Target. 
  • Seattle T-shirt: $5, Target. (Clearance racks, yo!)
  • Cat Skirt: Christmas present from Dallas,
  • Shoes: $19.99, Forever 21. 


  • Hat: $25, World Market. 
  • Sunglasses: $10, Earthbound. 
  • Gold Bracelets: $3, Target Dollar Spot. 
  • Jean Vest: present from Amanda, Forever 21. 
  • Aqua Crossbody: Amanda’s, Forever 21. 
  • Dress: $12.99, Target. 
  • Shoes: $12, Wet Seal. 
  • Lipstick: NYX Butter Lipstick. (Seriously the best lipstick I’ve ever owned. Thanks Ipsy!)

Amanda & I got so many compliments that Sunday. When we arrived to the thrift shop, we ran into a family who was taking graduation pictures of their daughter. They told us that we are setting a fashion example for the young ladies in the city & to continue doing what we’re doing. I love receiving kind feedback like that. Well, thanks everyone for reading. I promise to not keep the blog posts so spaced out. Just know I’m always working on something important! I love you all & thanks for reading!

Until next outfit, 

Aubs ❤️